Dr. Richard L. Deluca of Manhattan Eye Specialists, is a board-certified NYC ophthalmologist, a top rated, best eye doctor and among the top ophthalmologists in the region. Dr. Richard L. Deluca is an award winning expert and contributor to a prominent media outlets. Dr. Saba Khodadadian is a leading optometrist in NYC. We provide top-quality service to treat a wide range of eye problems including cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, corneal disease and crossed eyes. We also offer LASIK eye surgery.

Cornea Procedures · Optometry & Ophthalmology · Midtown Manhattan NYC

Do you have any questions about Optometry & Ophthalmology conditions and treatments? Would like to schedule an appointment with the best ophthalmologist NYC or Optometrist, Dr. Saba Khodadadian of Manhattan Eye Specialists, please contact our office for consultation with NYC Eye doctor.

Manhattan Eye Specialists
Dr. Saba Khodadadian, Optometrist (NYC Eye Doctor)

983 Park Avenue, Ste 1D19
New York, NY10010

(Between Madison Ave & Park Ave)
(212) 533-4821

The information on this website is to provide general guidance. In no way does any of the information provided reflect definitive medical advice and self diagnoses should not be made based on information obtained online. It is important to consult a best in class Optometrist or Ophthalmologist in NYC regarding ANY and ALL symptoms or signs as it may a sign of a serious illness or condition. A thorough consultation and examination with an eye specialist should ALWAYS be performed for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. Be sure to call your local eye doctor or call our office today and schedule a consultation.